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Frequently asked questions

Where can I find your privacy policy?

You can find the privacy policy for our website here.

Where can I find your terms of service?

You can find our terms of service here.

Where can I find the refund policy?

You can find the return policy for our products here.

What are the shipping options?

We offer several shipping options for our orders, which depend on your address. After you reach the cart and select the checkout option, you will be presented with all our shipping options available for your area (standard, expedite or 2-day shipping).

What are the international taxes that I have to pay?

The taxes you need to pay depend your country or state of residence. After you reach the cart and select the checkout option, by adding your shipping address you will see the taxes applicable to your order.

When will I receive my order?

We ship the products right away and the delivery time is dependant on the shipping option you select at checkout.

What do I do if I never received my order?

If you haven't received your order you can contact us at

How can I contact you?

You can always contact us at the following e-mail address: